The Difference between Quora & Knowledgeplus

4 min readSep 10, 2022


About Quora

Quora’s founders Adam D’Angelo and Charlie Cheever vision was to “share and grow the world’s knowledge.”

which resulted from their belief that:

  • A vast amount of the knowledge that would be valuable to many people was only available to a few — either locked in people’s heads or only accessible to select groups.
  • they wanted to connect the people who have the knowledge to the people who need it
  • to bring together people with different perspectives so that they can understand each other better
  • and to empower everyone to share their knowledge for the benefit of the rest of the world.

Quora was initially a billion-dollar social media startup, funded in venture capital as a crowdsourced Q&A platform reliant on the community to provide questions, responses, and up and down votes to create, edit, and organize its growing platform.

It’s active users range from celebrities, CEOs, and other high-profile figures and reported $8 million in revenue in 2018, with more than 300 million unique monthly visitors.

Initially, Quora had no revenue model and like most portals, it shifted to earning money through the advertising market by strategically placing ads to appear as part of the content rather than acting as an overt marketing tool.

It took the Quora’s platform 9 months, of development for its portal to gain traction as its employees invited friends to join the site.

Quora’s success is due in part to

  • its elegant user interface,
  • its initial base of intelligent and committed participants
  • its effectiveness in highlighting the most useful and interesting content personalized to individual users
  • Quora democratizes knowledge on a platform accessible to all,
  • The crowdsourced Q&A platform is run entirely by the user community.
  • Users post a diversity of questions that is followed and offer responses.
  • The Quora community then votes on an answer, either up or down, similar to the popular social platform Reddit.
  • The answers with the most upvotes are highlighted and viewed the most.

Quora Space earnings program

Quora Spaces can monetize in three different ways, enabling any combination of it programs.

Earnings are calculated differently depending on the program and the earnings programs overview is displayed in its Monetization section of the Space settings.

These are the 3 programs:

  1. Ad revenue sharing
  2. Quora revenue sharing
  3. Space subscriptions

About Knowledgeplus (KP)

Knowledgeplus is about to be deployed and has been corporatised as an Independent Trading Business to be a dominant player in the knowledge management space.

It is an application of the Frega Freedom Global Abundance Platform an expanding online platform providing superior tools for communication and interaction at a fraction of the usual cost. It is owned and operated by everyone who uses it in 182 countries.

Frega is organic in it growth and it is:

  • a global cooperate of ordinary folk
  • is self funded
  • has minimal overheads
  • shares its revenue back to its members

Its unique business model is a compelling financial incentive for businesses, influencers, and publishers to add their content and drive their customers and followers to search KnowledgePlus for their content.

It is free to ask questions and to look for answers on KnowledgePlus.

KP unique triple funding generator

To monetise KnowledgePlus you can register as a publisher and provide answers. It is not necessary to have hundreds or thousands of published responses to activate income producing activity

With KnowledgePlus, as soon as you pay 12.5 units of your currency

  • 30% of that comes back to you monthly in the form of shares and points as appreciating assets that also pay a dividend. So in about a year, what you have received back is more valuable than what you spent.
  • you earn from a growing following of readers
  • a portion of advertising revenue
  • and as KnowledgePlus runs on the Frega platform, which is an ecosystem you also share in its revenue.
  • the more of its tools you use, the greater your share of the revenue.

So in summary, you can earn money from either Quora or KnowledgePlus , and how fast you become profitable is dependant on the followers that engage with your content.

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