Everything in the universe is made up of atoms. Atoms are 99.9999999% empty space. which theoretically means that as humans, the walls and everything around you is mostly empty space. So why can’t we pass through that empty space?
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” NIKOLA TESLA
There’s a whole other branch of physics and according to quantum physics, scientists have been unable to pinpoint the precise location of an electron. Instead they map out the probabilities of where it could be. In this post we examine a couple
Atoms Intro
Atoms are made of electrons and a nucleus containing protons and neutrons.
Even when we see atoms drawn, these sketches are nowhere near to scale. Imagine an atom is the size of a melon, then the nucleus and the electrons would be too small to see.

Now picture that electrons orbit around the nucleus just like our planet orbits the sun. However, in actuality, electrons swarm around that empty space in cloud formations.
An example is a fan is a good example to demonstrate this. What seems like a lot of empty space, when you turn it on, you can see that the blades are basically everywhere simultaneously.
If you stick your hand into that fan, you’d see that your hand and the fan blades can’t exist in the same place at once
Now consider how the negative end of a magnet repels other negative magnets. That’s what’s happening when you try to touch anything. It’s like there’s a little invisible force field between you and everything you touch. It’s poked and prodded, but never broken
Where two things cannot exist in the same place at once as in the case where no two electrons can be in the same state or configuration. this is known as the Pauli Exclusion Principle
Pauli Exclusion Principle Intro

There is still a couple of things about the atom that are unexplained:
- when examined very closely many spectral lines showed up as pairs instead of single lines as called out by Schrodinger’s equation
- the splitting of spectral lines by magnetic fields was not accounted for known as the Zeeman effect this effect is now used to measure the strength of magnetic fields around distant stars
- it was not understood why all the electrons did not move to the innermost lowest energy orbital
In order to deal with these issues Wolfgang Paulie proposed a fourth quantum number and his exclusion principle in classical physics the exclusion principle states that no two objects can occupy the same space at the same time known as Paulie’s exclusion principle
However, Paulie could find no explanation for the fourth quantum number
What has been since discovered is that Electrons are fermions and have to obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle. But bosons, another type of subatomic particle, don’t.
Quantum Tunneling Intro
Viewing an electron like this means that if you throw one at a barrier, like a wall, there is always a tiny probability that it will end up on the other side, this theory is called quantum tunneling
Quantum tunneling could, theoretically, allow all the particles in our bodies to pass through barriers. everyone could be walking through walls. However, according to classical mechanics, it doesn’t have the energy.
Tunneling is used in scanning tunneling microscopes.
Basically, electrons have a small probability of tunneling between the surface of the solid and a tiny tip on the microscope. If you wanted to use phenomenon to walk through walls, you’d need every single particle.
If it was not possible to walk through walls , then it raises the interesting question as to the many patents available
To conclude here is another video from google which provides a knock on effect