Frega TopicPlus: How to use longform and A4X tips to monetize your hub?

We look at what long form is, its importance in articles, and how it can be implemented effectively to monetize your Frega TopicPlus app.
And, provide strategic tips on how to simply format and SEO your article once, yet enabling it to be effectively displayed in Frega internally or externally to 3rd party blog platforms.
What Is Long-Form?
Is it articles longer than 700 words, or in excess of 1,800 words that are considered long-form?
Is it true that readers want more interesting articles and if so which publishers are delivering an effective blogging platform?
Blog platform Medium compiled data on its most successful articles by measuring the average time on page in relation to post length and the amount of time it takes the average reader to finish the post.
Based on this data, the ideal blog post takes seven minutes to read and is around 1,600 words long:

Why Long-Form Content Works?
Its about strategy and increasing user engagement?
An average piece of content around 1,000 words or more that adds elements of SEO, like keyword optimization, headers certainly does help you:
- to get direct search or organic traffic
- bounce rate
- time on site
- page ranking
By adding long-form articles into your content strategy you
- include better content promotion
- a healthy dose of contrarian content
- more in-depth content that provides tons of value to your audience
Long-form content isn’t just rewarded by the search engines — it also resonates with readers.
Content length can also be determined by the subject matter. Marketing blog ViperChill put together some data on the average word length of a random sampling of blog posts categorized by industry, which makes for interesting reading:

What is the A4X Tips?
We strategically use the A4X TIPS which we formulated by simplifying the key elements relevant for a short or long form article, that also included generic SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) attributes.
By presenting this in a simple Nemonic template that can also be applied to a simple basic business plan, report or funding format as follows:
What is Frega & TopicPlus?
Frega is an expanding online platform providing superior tools for communication and interaction at a fraction of the usual cost. It is owned and operated by everyone who uses it in 182 countries and shares the revenue it generates with all its members.
Topic Plus is an application on the Frega platform that turns your passion into income, creates engagement in your area of interest or expertise and increases your monetization value.
I personally believe that for our Frega hubs any article that is between 300 to 800 words displays much better and is what could be best defined as Frega longform. Annamarie
At A4X we encourage members to use Medium for many positive reasons namely it beautiful UX and ease of use.
In conclusion to optimize your audience engagement and maximize the monetization of your hub, using Longform combined with your free A4X tips provides an effective and simple solution.